Minutetraq: How to create a new board meeting

  1. Click the Calendar icon to open the meetings list.
  2. Make sure you have the correct board selected by looking at the Group.
  3. Right click on the meetings list and choose New.
  4. Fill in the Edit Meeting fields with the Meeting’s information
    • Meeting Group - choose the name of board that is meeting
    • Meeting Date - can be typed or the user can use the calendar picker user must MANUALLY CHANGE THE TIME of the meeting. The meeting defaults to 12:00 AM should be changed to the appropriate meeting time.
    • Documents Due - choose the last date that the documents needed for the meeting can be submitted
    • Type - choose the type of meeting that is occurring
    • Location - choose the location where the meeting will take place
    • Status - Defaults to Scheduled
  5. If you only have one meeting to create Click OK, if you have multiple meetings to create click Next.

PDF guide and Instructional Video are attached to this article. 









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