New Toner and Printing Procedures for 2014

Beginning in 2014, we would like to implement new procedures around the request for departmental toners. Currently, our remote Town offices pick up their toner, and install it themselves.  This allows for them to not have to wait until a Tech Support staff member installs the toner which may cause delays in their operations.  We would like to implement the same process here in Town Hall…toner installation is simple – remove the old cartridge, pull the tab on the new cartridge, and insert into the printer.

Beginning January 1st, all toner requests will need to be entered as a ticket in Zendesk with toner and the printer model number that it is needed for in the subject line.  Allison in Info Tech will pull the toner and keep it at her desk for pick up.  A Tech Support staff member will help install the toner until departmental staff is comfortable doing it themselves.  This new procedure will allow us to account for the toners more efficiently and analyze where we may be able to find some Town printing cost savings. 

Additionally, many offices have recently received new Toshiba copier/printer/scanners.  In discussing costs with General Services who procured the machines, we determined that the cost per copy on the Toshiba copier/printers is less than the average cost of printing to one of the Town’s black and white printers found in most offices.  We encourage you to utilize your new copier as your default printer.  For many offices, a Town Laserjet black and white printer resides nearby to your new Toshiba.  We will be contacting you in the upcoming weeks regarding the possible removal of the Laserjet in order to save on printing costs.  Please feel free to contact IT with any questions. Thank you!


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